Ami001 / Merkava

Gemini Pro: no wait / AWS Claude (Sonnet): no wait / Azure GPT-4: no wait / Azure GPT-4 Turbo: 8sec / Azure DALL-E: 5sec

Server Greeting


Recent DALL-E Generations

A highly detailed picture of a stocky Caucasian man sitting at a computer. He is wearing a T-shirt that reads 'quarkfr3ak'. A speech bubble emanating from him reads, 'Is that a drawthread? Time to make everyone mad.'
An image taken reminiscent of early photography, displaying a white snake hanging from a pomegranate tree branch near a brown-skinned Mexican woman who is adorned in a nun's habit. She gazes at the snake with a sense of curiosity. They both are positioned in a forest clearing where vibrant dahlia flowers form a carpet on the forest floor. Inspired by silent film still from the 1920s, the woman displays subtle 1920s era makeup while the entire scene is processed in color.
A highly detailed and realistic photograph of a plus-sized Caucasian man sitting at a computer desk. He's wearing a T-shirt that reads 'quarkfr3ak'. He has a look of determination and mischief in his eyes. A digital speech bubble above him reads, 'Is that a drawthread? Time to make everyone mad.' The room around him is filled with typical computer paraphernalia, various cables, keyboard, mouse, and large monitor.
A visually detailed image of a stout Caucasian man sitting at a computer. The man is wearing a T-shirt which has 'quarkfr3ak' written on it. There is a speech bubble near him that reads 'Is that a drawthread? Time to make everyone mad.'
A photograph captured with a vintage camera. A white snake is seen hanging down from a branch of a pomegranate tree. Near the tree, a brown-skinned Hispanic actress from the silent film era, adorned in a nun's habit, gazes at the snake with curiosity. The scenery is a forest clearing where a carpet of dahlia flowers blossoms underfoot. The image has the style, color saturation, and tonal characteristics typically seen in color films of the 1920s. Moreover, the actress is subtly highlighted with the makeup fashion typical of that bygone era.
A detailed image of an overweight, Caucasian man sitting in front of a computer in a brightly lit room. He is intently staring at the screen with a slight smirk forming on his lips. The man wears a comfortable t-shirt that bears the text 'quarkfr3ak'. Above him is a speech bubble that reads 'Is that a drawthread? Time to make everyone mad.' The colors are vivid, and the room details include a desk cluttered with tech gadgets and a cup of coffee.
An image that gives an impression of a 1920s color film scene, as seen through a Kodak No.1 camera lens. It illustrates a brown-skinned Latina actress adorned in a nun's habit attentively observing a white snake hanging from a branch of a pomegranate tree in a forest clearing. The ground all around her is decorated with blooming dahlia flowers. The makeup on her face is subtle, typical of the 1920s silent film era.
Digital Illustration Art Style, Scratchy, Painterly With Faded Colors, Best Quality, Masterpiece, Beautiful, Brunette Woman Wearing Choker, Orange Misty Background
High-quality anime-inspired art of a laughing fairy with pigtails and fair skin, clothed in a simple billowing green dress, hovering high up among the trees in a sun-drenched forest. Her blonde hair glows in the bright sunlight. She's smirking playfully. One foot is prominently displayed, with particular emphasis on the detailed depiction of her cute, pudgy toes.
Digital Illustration Art Style, Scratchy, Painterly With Faded Colors, Best Quality, Masterpiece, Beautiful, Brunette Woman Wearing Choker, Orange Misty Background
A highly detailed illustration of a Caucasian, overweight male sitting at a computer. His T-shirt has 'quarkfr3ak' written on it. A speech bubble is emerging from him, reading 'Is that a drawthread? Time to make everyone mad.' The image focuses on the man, his attire, the computer, and the speech bubble, capturing the varying expressions on his face.
Imagine a vintage photograph, as if captured through the lens of an early 20th-century camera like a Kodak No.1, which features a White snake curiously hanging down from a pomegranate tree's branch. The scene unfolds in a verdant forest clearing where multicolored dahlia flowers paint the ground. Drawn to the snake is a Middle Eastern silent film actress with a brown complexion, who, despite wearing a traditional nun's habit, expresses the bold demeanor of a performer. Her features are accentuated with a hint of subtle 1920s makeup. This is a silent film still from the lively 1920s era, evoking nostalgia and intrigue.

View all recent images

Service Info

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  "build": "6dabc82 (main@khanon/oai-reverse-proxy)"